Have a design idea you want to build IRL, but don't have the pieces? I can build your own LEGO Beyblade MOCs or anything else you might need for your Brickbeyz needs!
IMPORTANT: To recieve your product, you must follow these steps:
-Step 1: Add the "Custom Brickbeyz Build" to your cart (multiple times for multiple custom builds)
-Step 2: Send an email at brickbeyz@outlook.com with your order number
and detailed 3D render
in Mecabricks, stud.io, or any other software that makes it clear what your intended build and color is. It can also be a general concept that you commission, with me building the exact details.
-Step 3: A price and final product will be negotiated between the two parties
-Step 4: Complete the payment requested by the invoice to your account within 7 days, which should equal the amount previously negotiated. Afterwards, the product will be shipped with the rest of your order.
Brickbeyz products are original creations that are made of lightly used/modified LEGO® elements. For tops in the Brickbeyz™ official series, metal and dried cyanoacrylate glue are also present in the design. Any custom requests in relation to the products are welcome.
RETURN & REFUND POLICY: No returns are permitted. However, monetary compensation will be provided in the case of an error by the seller or lost orders. See the Terms of Use for more details.
SHIPPING INFO: The cost of shipping is a live rate added to each order total, and all packages will be sent in small padded envelopes with USPS Ground Advantage (U.S.) or First-Class Mail International (International) unless otherwise specified or required.
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SKU: BS-02
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*Slight color differences may exist between the product and image, but all pieces and functionality remain the same
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Reminder: U.S. Orders over $40 get FREE Shipping!

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